Do You Know Your Creation?

maandag 11 september 2023

Here’s some of my thoughts on the responsibilities of leadership. By which I mean being a leader over your own life, and in your circles; your partner, your family, your relatives, your community, your region of the Earth, and the planet on the whole. I assume that however good your life is right now, you would like to make it better. Your life could stand to have more love in it, more fun in it, more creative success in it, and more beauty in it.

Here’s some of my thoughts on the responsibilities of leadership. By which I mean being a leader over your own life, and in your circles; your partner, your family, your relatives, your community, your region of the Earth, and the planet on the whole. I assume that however good your life is right now, you would like to make it better. Your life could stand to have more love in it, more fun in it, more creative success in it, and more beauty in it. All of us would prefer a life without the treat of crime and violence. Without the loneliness and alienation that haunts us day and nights. What if developing your leadership is the way to all of those things? To making things the way you want them to be. If that seems overwhelming, read along a little further.

Who Are You?

Before we talk about leadership, we may need to understand what it means to be human, with the bodies, minds, hearts and spirits we have been given. With the urging of creation within us to develop and expand our limitless physical, mental, emotional and spiritual capacities. We may need to trust that human beings are fundamentally and naturally good. And also fundamentally and naturally intelligent and creative. Have you ever noticed the energy that a free infant has? Have you seen the fantastic learning power of little babies? If we receive and give love, these capabilities will develop naturally throughout our lives. Life is what we all have in common, what we all wish to enhance. Life is the only treasure, a glorious, mysterious gift. Love is the awareness of relationship. In the strongest experience of love we feel total awareness, total identification. What does leadership and power mean from this perspective? It’s understanding power, not as having power over, but as power with; not power in conflict, but rather in harmony with creation. It’s understanding that power over nature or over people is a contradiction to itself, since everything is part of the whole. Naturally a leader does not exert power over people. A true leader is rather an instrument of love and the people’s desires for harmony and health. It is the responsibility of each one to think as a leader and to support leadership that enhances the health and harmony of the group. So being a leader begins by taking full responsibility on all levels of our own life. By all levels I’m referring to those emotional, mental, physical and spiritual levels. In my own life this formed a foundational basis from which I could dig deeper into my core essence, where eventually answers unfold that support me on how to better organise myself. When we take responsibility we can start enquiring and embracing imperatives that explain “who we are”, “where we are” “why we are here“and “how we grow.” These are foundational questions far beyond our identity based on a name you took-on at birth. A highly evolved being once shared with me that evolved Wisdom can only be truly absorbed, once I would gain understanding of “who we are”, “where we are” and “why we are here”. At the time I received this sharing I accepted it, now I’ve journeyed a little further and I inner-stand its meaning.

Years ago I started to connect to highly evolved people who held Ancient Wisdom. I unlearned and learned a lot from indigenous first nations people. The depth and precision of their knowledge, Wisdom and healing capabilities inspired me so greatly that it spiralled me to much greater heights. A true internal paradigm shift which is a gift that I wish for all Humanity to experience.

Because isn’t being human about discovering your innate gifts, stepping into your true purpose, and relating meaningfully; enquiring, growing and thriving? So we can cultivate and embody our highest virtuous qualities like compassion, patience, selflessness and humility?


"Before we can speak of important things that determine the cause of our future, shouldn’t it be custom to purify our bodies, minds, hearts and spirits of conflicting and disruptive elements?”


Where Are You?

Today there’s much talk about “reinvention” and “transformation” when we speak about cultural and societal reorganisation. Often discussed through the lens of popular themes such as Artificial Intelligence, climate change, gender issues to name some subjects. It’s generally with intend to discuss progress, in relation to creating a better future. The common denominator to these themes is that we all share life so we can speak of these things together. But my question to you is how pure is your heart and how clear is your mind? Because before we can speak of important things that determine the cause of our future, shouldn’t it be custom to purify our bodies, minds, hearts and spirits of conflicting and disruptive elements? I learned from my spiritual teachers and from personal experience that only with a pure heart we can access Truth, true connection with Humanity, all sentient life, the Earth Mother, and the Universe with its billions of galaxies with billions of stars and billions of planets in each, and without doubt billions of life forms. Here on Earth, we speak of economical problems, sociological problems, physiological problems. While the deeper remedy must be found for the inner cause of the dis-eased body and mind. At the deeper level we must also consider, not only ourselves, we must consider our families, our children, our unborn generations, our planet and all the beings we share it with us, as well as the star nation beings throughout the cosmos. And in my view a healthy global society, starts with yourself by taking responsibility for your personal purification and wellbeing.

Why Are You Here?

Humankind has a history of arrogance and oppression. This arrogance also extends to spiritual circles where a group thinks they alone know the way of creation and that their path is the only true way. Let’s remind ourselves that we’re all students of life within this miraculous Earth reality. It’s human to seek meaning. Among the variety of beings our own human species is the only one that asks questions. And because we can ask it with our inborn curiosity, it seems we must enquire. We not only need to feed and reproduce, we need to know, to explore, to investigate, discover, probe, experiment, to grow and evolve. Because curiosity is a search for truth and this is an essential part of human activity. Once you awake and get in touch with creation everywhere, you come alive. What a life we could manifest if all of us were functioning at our highest peak of presence and awareness all of the time! Because total bliss and total awareness are our natural and proper condition. What a powerful potential that is. What keeps you from being that? in a word, it is fear.

To Know Thy Truth

The world needs you. We all need you. We need your support to change the world. You are at the centre of your universe. You are responsible for all of it. Your responsibility has no limits. My invitation to you is to purify yourself and to inner-stand yourself so we can allow ourselves to cultivate a sense of our true purpose in life, awareness, and a strong inner-knowing that we can access as the prime navigator in life, including when we discuss big societal subjects. In this state of presence we can truly voice what we wish to co-create here on Earth in terms of “reinvention” and “transformation”.

If you feel inspired to take more responsibility for your life and take a personal journey to transmute your fears, limitations, triggers, negative patterns, programming and unconscious shadows that stand between you your full potential. Get in touch, we can't wait to work with you in loving service. Because being in purpose and harmony becomes much easier when you finally reconnect with who you truly are and get aligned with your true power.



Mikhaël Akasha

Geschreven door:

Mikhaël Akasha

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